Thursday, August 12, 2010

random things about me.

  1. i am extremely optimistic about everything in life. I'm really excited about my life and the direction its headed in.
  2. i am inspired by motivating and accomplished women that think outside of the box and aren't confined to typical female roles.
  3. i am a dreamer of many dreams and am confident that they will come true.
  4. i really enjoy nature. i marvel at God's creations, many of the things we take for granted every day.
  5. sunflowers make me smile. they are my favorite!
  6. i love butterflies. i'm truly fascinated by its life cycle and its symbolism. 
  7. i am a shameless introvert and i love it. although i enjoy spending time with my friends and family, sometimes i just want to be alone. 
  8. i am passionate about social justice and committed to change.
  9. youth inspire me to be great.
  10. i love cupcakes!
  11. pizza is my favorite! but is has to be new haven or new york style. none of that cardboard pizza hut or dominoes stuff. no offense to those who enjoy that.
  12. i'm such a snacker...cheez-its, chips, doritos, strawberries ( yeah i snack on the healthy stuff too)
  13. i love finding new blogs! i get so excited when i stumble upon a new one they are a form of inspiration.
  14. i am very unorganized at times. i'm working on it, but somehow it works for me.
  15. i am an extremely spiritual person. all of this is not by chance, so i know God is real!
  16. i find peace and comfort in meditation and prayer.
  17. i absolutely love my family. although i don't get to see them as much as i'd like, they are always on my mind.
  18. my friends are an extension of me. they are my "better halves." they inspire, motivate and encourage me daily. they push me to be the best me.
  19. cultivating strong and lasting relationships is something that's very important to me. 
  20. i love reading personal development books and memoirs. 
  21. i love that i am a creative. it gives me this freedom and confidence that pushes me to be fearless and do all that i imagine.
  22. although i love writing, sometimes i don't think i'm the best at it.
  23. i'm no artist, but i love painting! getting paint splattered everywhere and allowing my hands to talk while the brushes listen is magical.
  24. i'm a hopeless romantic. (enough said)
  25. i'm inspired by my ancestors. all those who encountered and endured such tremendous injustice. it's because of them that i am today.
  26. i enjoy culture, understanding more about my culture and discovering new ones.
  27. i'm fascinated by learning. knowledge is infinite and when you have it you possess an infallible power.
  28. i'm such a girly girl. i love it all, make up, shoes clothes accessories. yep that's me!
  29. i am truly a free spirit.
  30. everyday i enjoy unleashing my potential and becoming the person God has intended me to be!
wow thanks for getting this far! glad you took the time out to get to know me a little better :-)

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